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Root Canal Treatment In Karad

Root Canal Treatment

If you suffer from severe tooth pain, infection can be one of the major causes. But do not worry; the infected tooth can be easily treated with root canal treatment. At Chintamani Dental Home, we are known for providing painless root canal treatment in Karad.

The root canal is a part of a tooth that contains the pulp, which includes nerve tissue, blood vessels, and other cells. A tooth consists of a crown, mostly visible above the gum, and roots below it, which connect the tooth to the jawbone. Root canal treatment is the treatment to save the tooth by removing the infected pulp and restoring it.

Need For RCT

You might need root canal treatment if you have a broken tooth caused by injury or have a cavity that has reached the tooth's root. The symptoms of root canal treatment are:

  • Severe Pain: The infection can cause persistent pain in the tooth and/or jaw.
  • Sensitivity: You might experience a sharp sensation on eating or drinking cold or hot foods.
  • Pain while chewing: Chewing can put pressure on the infected tooth, causing pain and discomfort.
  • Discolored tooth: Your tooth might start becoming darker due to infection.
  • Foul taste or smell: The decay and infection of the tooth can emit a foul taste and smell.

If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, visit our experts for injection-less root canal treatment in Karad at Chintamani Dental Home.

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The Process Of Root Canal Treatment

Root canal treatment usually takes multiple sessions but can be done in a single sitting, depending on the case's complexity. The process of root canal treatment includes the following steps:

1. Once your preliminary check is done, which might include a dental X-ray to determine the condition of your tooth and administering of local anesthesia, your dentist will begin by creating small access to the root canal to expose the infection.

2. Your dentist will remove the infected pulp from the tooth. The cleaned tooth is then flushed with an anti-bacterial solution to remove infection-causing bacteria.

3. The root canal is then sealed with a dental filling, and the tooth is restored.

4. To prevent further damage and restore its aesthetics, a dental crown is fitted on the tooth.

Root canal treatment can provide relief from the pain caused by infection and prevent the loss of natural tooth structure. If you need root canal treatment in Karad, visit our experts at Chintamani Dental Home.


What is the cost of root canal treatment in Karad?

Root canal treatment is affordable pain relief and restorative treatment; the cost is based on the number of root canals to be treated and the type of dental crown selected. If you want to know more about the cost of root canal treatment in Karad, contact our clinic.

Is Root Canal Treatment Painful?

The root canal treatment uses local anesthesia, which makes the treatment process painless. At Chintamani Dental Home Karad, we do injection-less root canal treatment, making the process stress and discomfort-free.

What is a re-root canal, and when is it necessary?

A re-root canal, or re-rct, is a procedure to address issues with a previous root canal treatment. If, for any reason, the previous root canal treatment fails to resolve the issue fully or if infection recurs, re-root canal treatment is suggested. If you are having any issue with your previously treated tooth, consult our experts of re-rct in Karad at our clinic.

Is it necessary to get a crown after root canal treatment?

Yes. A crown helps protect the tooth after root canal treatment and prevent the reoccurrence of the infection.